Laser Hair Removal
Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Diego, CA
Hair removal is one of the most popular laser-based aesthetic procedures, since it can provide a permanent reduction of unwanted hair. Imagine never having to shave ever again. Laser hair removal is a safe, quick an effective way to deal with unwanted hair.
At FACES+, we only use the safest, most effective hair removal techniques, and our aestheticians offer the superior skill necessary to give you exciting results even when it comes to larger areas of treatment.
Cutera has been the pioneer in establishing the “all skin type” hair removal practice. They offer years of experience, safety, versatility and efficacy. At FACES+, we use Cutera’s Nd:YAG treatment – for all skin types. Cutera strives to give you exactly what you need to make your investment productive, so you leave as a satisfied patient.
CoolGlide Laser Hair Removal System
The CoolGlide Cutera laser system is an extremely effective laser hair removal system and is F.D.A. approved for permanent hair reduction. Lasers use light energy to heat up and destroy actively growing hair follicles. Since not all hair follicles are active at the same time, optimal results are achieved with several hair removal treatments.
Safe and Effective Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is safe in the hands of experienced laser nurse specialists. It takes several sessions to obtain the best results from laser hair removal. Typically, it takes 4-6 treatments spaced approximately 8-10 weeks apart to coincide with the growth cycle of new hair. After each treatment, the hair grows back finer and softer until it is removed. Our laser hair removal system safely and effectively treats all skin types and tanned skin, without the concerns of discoloration and scarring that can be seen with other lasers. This laser hair removal system is much less painful than other systems, due to its cooled tip. Topical anesthetics are available for purchase in our office.