Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Diego, CA
Microdermabrasion rejuvenates and revitalizes your skin during lunchtime or in an afternoon. Microdermabrasion uses either a diamond-encrusted wand or a fine jet of crystals to gently and painlessly exfoliate your skin. You’re left with new, softer skin and more even skin texture.
In addition to surface exfoliation, Microdermabrasion promotes the production of new cells in the deepest layer of the dermis, it cleans the pores, and stimulates collagen production that can further improve skin texture. Microdermabrasion can be successfully used on light or dark skin to treat the face, neck, chest, arms, elbows, knees and hands. Microdermabrasion is generally indicated for:
- Fine Lines and Wrinkles
- Age Spots, Sun Damage and Hyperpigmentation
- Acne Scars, Chicken pox Scars and Scratch Marks
- Congested Skin, Enlarged Pores and Blemishes
- Dull Skin
This simple and non-invasive procedure entails virtually no discomfort, down time or recovery. Patients typically experience some mild redness for about an hour after the procedure. Microdermabrasion is extremely effective when combined with a customized peel to address discoloration and un-even skin texture.