
Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Diego, CA

Close-up of a woman's lower face with a well-defined chin and jawline, gently touching her cheek, showcasing the results of chin enhancement surgery by renowned craniomaxillofacial surgeon Dr. Steven R. Cohen at FACES+ in San Diego.

Genioplasty, also known as chin enhancement, is a procedure that improves the definition of the chin for a more balanced facial profile. As you age, your chin may begin to lose definition or recede. Excess fat can also create the appearance of a double chin that affects the definition of your jawline.

Renowned craniomaxillofacial surgeon Dr. Steven R. Cohen and the team at FACES+ have helped thousands of patients achieve their aesthetic goals with long-lasting results. Contact our office in San Diego or call (858) 453-7224 to learn more about how we can help you achieve a more sculpted, defined facial profile.

About Genioplasty

The chin is perhaps one of the most important anatomic areas of the face and although chin implants are often an excellent choice, sometimes the bone of the chin itself requires alteration. Because of our background in craniofacial and maxillofacial surgery, our team can present you with a variety of options from the simplest to the most complex to accomplish your goals of chin enhancement. Dr. Cohen is working on innovations where your cells are combined with synthetic temporary fillers to induce soft tissue and bone formation to regenerate the aging structures of the face. We can use a genioplasty to improve the appearance of:

  • Mandibular hypoplasia: We can correct a receding chin by adjusting your bone structure for a more defined jawline. (1)
  • Facial asymmetry: We can enhance your facial proportions and define your features by strategically repositioning the bone in your chin.
  • Ptosis: If a double chin or droopiness has affected your facial profile, we can sculpt your jawline and neck with liposuction for a slimmer look.

Genioplasty Benefits

Genioplasty helps you achieve a more defined, symmetrical facial profile. You can enjoy a more contoured, youthful appearance after the procedure and several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Facial Harmony: Genioplasty creates balance and harmony between the chin and other facial features, improving overall facial aesthetics.
  • Improved Facial Proportions: A well-defined and proportionate chin can make the face appear more youthful and attractive.
  • Increased Confidence: Genioplasty can boost self-esteem by addressing any dissatisfaction with the appearance of the chin.
  • Corrects Congenital or Traumatic Defects: Genioplasty can correct abnormalities caused by birth defects or accidents, providing functional and aesthetic improvements.
  • Rejuvenates Aging Chin: Drooping or sagging of the chin due to aging can be corrected through genioplasty, helping to restore a more youthful appearance.
  • Defined Jawline: Genioplasty can enhance the definition and contour of the jawline, creating a more sculpted appearance.
  • Customizable Results: The procedure can be customized to meet individual goals and preferences, ensuring personalized outcomes.
  • Long-lasting Results: Genioplasty provides long-lasting results, allowing patients to enjoy their enhanced chin shape for many years.

Genioplasty Candidates & Consultation

If you would like to increase the volume and definition of your chin, you are likely a good candidate for a genioplasty. The best candidates lead healthy lifestyles, are nonsmokers, and do not have any conditions that affect their ability to heal from the procedure. During your consultation, we will ask about your medical history, lifestyle, and current medications to create a treatment plan for your aesthetic goals. We will ask about your previous cosmetic procedures, if applicable, and whether or not you would like to combine a genioplasty with additional procedures such as liposuction or a neck lift.

How to Prepare for a Genioplasty

To prepare for a genioplasty, you will need to:

  • Stop taking blood thinners.
  • Cease anti-inflammatory medication 1-2 weeks before.
  • Stop smoking 6 weeks before.

You will also need to ask for someone you trust to drive you home, and you will need to prepare your meals ahead of time for a comfortable recovery.

Genioplasty Procedure

Osseous Genioplasty

During the procedure, we will place you under anesthesia and mark your skin. We will make a small incision inside the mouth (intraoral incision) (2) along the lower gum line and perform an osseous genioplasty. We will pass a very thin saw through the bone of your chin and reposition it. We hold it in place with very fine screws. The incision will not be visible, and it will allow Dr. Cohen to perform liposuction for your desired look. If you need liposuction, we can remove your excess fat for a more slender facial profile.

Chin Liposuction

If you wish to remove excess fat beneath your chin (supraplatysmal fat), we can remove it with jawline and neck liposuction. During the procedure, we use a thin cannula and tumescent fluid to break up the excess fat and remove it with suction. We can improve the appearance of what is colloquially known as a “double chin” with the procedure and we can combine chin liposuction with facial implants to strategically sculpt your face for a younger look.

Chin Implants & Fillers

Chin enhancement can be as simple as adding a filler or as complex as correcting an underlying jaw deformity. Chin implants increase the volume of your chin if you have lost volume due to aging, genetics, or an injury. We can insert the implant beneath your skin to emphasize your natural features and customize the width, shape, and size of the chin implant to meet your specific needs. We can use chin implants to help you shape the jawline as well because the neck and chin directly affect the appearance of your chin.

Recovery & Results

Close-up of a woman's lower face and jawline, with hands on either side of her chin, highlighting the balanced facial profile achieved through genioplasty by Dr. Steven R. Cohen at FACES+ in San Diego.

You can return to work a few days after your genioplasty and resume regular exercise after 4-6 weeks. For liposuction, most patients take 1-2 weeks off work to give their bodies time to heal. Your recovery time will depend on your unique procedure, your aesthetic goals, and the condition of your skin. You will see results immediately after your procedure, but you can enjoy the full effect after your skin heals. After 2-4 weeks the swelling will subside. If you receive implants, after 2-4 months you can start to see the implant settle into your skin for the most natural results.

Corresponding Procedures

Cheek Augmentation

Cheek augmentation is a procedure that increases the volume of your cheeks with implants or dermal fillers. If you have lost volume in your face and cheeks from aging, restoring it can help you correct hollowing that is resulting in an older appearance. The procedure provides a natural look that can help you achieve a more youthful complexion.

Buccal Fat Restoration

If you recently had the buccal fat pads in your face removed to achieve a slimmer facial contour, the lack of fat can cause you to look older. Buccal fat restoration is a procedure that replaces the buccal fat pads in your face with a fat transfer. We can restore your facial volume to help you look younger again, correct hollow cheeks from a previous procedure, and fill in your appearance to prevent a gaunt look.

The Cost of Chin Enhancement in San Diego

The cost of a genioplasty will depend on the results you would like to achieve. At FACES+, we can customize your procedure for your unique needs to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. If you are interested in other corresponding procedures, see our blog. Contact our office in San Diego or call (858) 453-7224 to get started.


Is a genioplasty permanent?

Yes, a genioplasty is permanent and will help combat changes to the structure of your face from aging.

Can a genioplasty correct facial symmetry?

Yes, a genioplasty can help your face appear more proportional by enhancing the volume of your chin and your facial features. We can discuss the best treatment plan based on your individual features during your consultation.

Will I have scars after a genioplasty?

You will have a discrete scar hidden inside your jawline after a genioplasty. The scars will not be visible for a natural look.

How much can I increase the volume of my chin with a genioplasty?

The amount of volume you can add to your chin will depend on your facial structure and the condition of your skin. We can discuss your options during your consultation to help you look your best.

Can I combine a genioplasty with other facial procedures?

Yes, you can combine a genioplasty with other facial procedures. During your consultation, we can discuss your aesthetic goals and the best treatment plan to help you meet them.

Are there risks to a genioplasty?

Your individual risk factors will depend on your medical history and your lifestyle. We can discuss them during your consultation with our team.

Can a genioplasty fix a double chin?

We can improve the appearance of a double chin with a genioplasty, but this will depend on the condition of your chin. We may need to combine a genioplasty with liposuction to reduce your double chin and help you meet your goals.

Can a genioplasty treat sleep apnea?

A genioplasty can help relieve symptoms of sleep apnea, but it cannot cure it. Surgeons move a portion of the chin bone forward, bringing tongue muscles forward as well. This surgical change can open up the obstructed airway and promote easier breathing.


  1. Kumar BL, Raju GKP, Kumar ND, Reddy GV, Naik BR, Achary CR. Long Term Stability Following Genioplasty: A Cephalometric Study. Journal of International Oral Health: JIOH. 2015;7(4):44-50. Accessed July 15, 2024.
  2. Saleh E, Saleh J, Saleh B. Intraoral Genioplasty—A Newer Technique. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open. 2021;9(4):e3518. doi: