Lip Enhancement
Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Diego, CA
Lip Enhancement is a procedure to increase the fullness of the lips. After the eyes, the lips are the next most engaging area of the face. Dr. Cohen will evaluate your lips and how they balance with the rest of your facial features.
When indicated, lip enhancement can be carried out with a wide variety of temporary and permanent fillers as well as with fat and surgical grafting. Natural lips can be achieved routinely by both the FACES+ nurse injectors, as well as our dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
Lip Enhancement is a procedure to increase the fullness of the lips. After the eyes, the lips are the next most engaging area of the face. During a conversation, the eyes of an observer swing always from the eyes to the lips and back. The volume of the lips can be thick and prominent, or thin and retracted. Fuller lips are generally more attractive and desirable.
Additional Procedures
Current filler materials, such as collagen, are temporary and must be repeated every 3 to 6 months. FACES+ is one of 8 centers for an FDA study of a permanent filler material, known as Artecoll. The FACES+ plastic surgeons are therefore already very experienced in this new and exciting material for lip enhancement as well as wrinkle treatment