Take advantage of our May 2nd Mother’s Day event promotions and get your body bikini ready. Coolsculpting is a great non-invasive contouring treatment that freezes stubborn fat, which is then naturally eliminated by your body. This treatment has no needles, no surgery and NO DOWNTIME.
CoolSculpting takes very little time and is pretty simple to fit into your daily life. After your CoolSculpting treatment you can typically get right back to your busy day. Each treatment lasts one hour – the same time you might spend at the gym. So you can easily fit your appointment into a lunch break. After one visit, you’ll typically see a noticeable reduction of fat. It takes a few months to fully realize the effects, mainly because it takes that long for your body to naturally dispose of the fat cells.
So after a few months, your clothes will fit better and you will look better. What’s more, there are no pills or supplements. And as long as you maintain your normal diet and exercise, your long-term results should remain stable. Hello Summer, where’s my bikini? Call today to RSVP to our event, can’t make it May 2nd? Call and schedule a free consultation 858.453.7224.
by Elyse (Kleit) Longoria