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Tighten Skin With These 3 Non-Invasive Treatments.

Tighten skin with these varying options from DIY to cosmetic treatments. We all want to preserve our healthy taught skin as long as possible. Whether you’re on a budget or looking for the most high-end procedure on the market, here are 6 amazing ways to keep the laxity away.

Find out: why these treatments work, how much they cost and how much they tighten skin.

Put Egg on Your Face (seriously)

Why it works

Eggs are packed with nutrients like protein and albumin which helps to retain skin elasticity. Mixed with other natural ingredients (like honey shown above) make a DIY mask that tightens your skin over time when applied consistently a few times a week.

Get Probed: Thermi RF (radiofrequency)

Why it works

This treatment uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to create a heat-related injury under the skin and causes it to tighten. It kicks fibroblasts into gear – the fibers in your skin that are responsible for producing collagen. Although it looks painful, you are fully numb prior to treatment so you won’t feel a thing!

The Supermodel Treatment: Ultherapy

Why it works

The mother of all non-invasive skin tightening, this treatment tightens by using ultrasound technology to detect layers of lost collagen and elastin in the skin. It delivers controlled pockets of heat to deep layers of the skin that need it the most. It’s the closest thing to a neck lift out there and Christie Brinkley loves it, so it’s good! This is the only FDA approved the device for lifting the skin under the neck and chin.

There you have it! Pay $5 or $5,000 you can tighten skin non-invasively.